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Syla'Nieves (played by RoamingHeart) | |
Aliteya (played by Lhisea) | |
Nyr Vana (played by Vanya) | |
Xyzzie (played anonymously) | |
Alauntree Baenduis (played by IceyLady) | |
Ecksel (played by Kahmical) | |
Amelie Laveur (played by toasterpip) | |
Ijirashi Konayuki (played by ShipwreckyBeccy) | |
Grandmother Val (played by toasterpip) | |
Ginrei Keebagami (played by ShipwreckyBeccy) | |
Volgo von Menscherfiend (played by Saberus) | |
Aliteya (played by Lhisea) |
Syla'Nieves (played by RoamingHeart) |
Volgo von Menscherfiend (played by Saberus) |
Nyr Vana (played by Vanya) |
Amelie Laveur (played by toasterpip) |
Alauntree Baenduis (played by IceyLady) |
Ginrei Keebagami (played by ShipwreckyBeccy) |
Ijirashi Konayuki (played by ShipwreckyBeccy) |
Ecksel (played by Kahmical) |
Essan of Tay Mountain (played by Saberus) | |
Essan of Tay Mountain (played by Saberus) |
Islington (played by Amicitia) | |
Malex (played anonymously) | |
Aemar (played by Aubrey) | |
Derren Firebrand (played by JT_the_Ninja) | |
Aeralis (played by Aubrey) | |
Vahn Meirse (played by snoop787) | |
Mesarthim (played by ShipwreckyBeccy) | |
Seven (played by Cass) | |
Ygraine (played anonymously) | |
Peter Greenbush (played anonymously) | |
Nina Voss (played by Fizzy_Lizzy) | |
Azara (played by Azara) | |
Matthews Thompson (played by Saberus) | |
Melwind Syrbille (played by RoamingHeart) | |
Eleanor Bellefleur (played anonymously) | |
Harper Greenbush (played anonymously) | |
Noctilucence (played by Bananasaurus) | |
Noan Intirneht (played by Kahmical) | |
Allurean (played anonymously) | |
Eshtar (played anonymously) | |
Megaera Charleson (played by CelestinaGrey) | |
Amari Phagia (played anonymously) | |
Oblex (played anonymously) | |
Sherelle (played by Cass) | |
Gan Bristol (played anonymously) | |
Calamity Umbra (played by CalamityMoth) | |
Tiressa (played by Bryomancer) | |
Eugene Ordell (played by Jayce_Ithil) | |
Ashmantle (played anonymously) | |
Tao-Moa (played by ShipwreckyBeccy) | |
Elssbet (played by Gwendolyne) | |
Brynhildur Heklana (played by CelestinaGrey) | |
Guard Captain Tanhide (played by toasterpip) | |
Dorax (played by Amicitia) | |
Manoja (played anonymously) | |
Lavena (played by Pandatastic) | |
Unaffected (played anonymously) | |
Delicate (played anonymously) | |
Zala'Quel (played by IceyLady) | |
Harper Greenbush (played anonymously) |
Calamity Umbra (played by CalamityMoth) |
Gan Bristol (played anonymously) |
Allurean (played anonymously) |
Derren Firebrand (played by JT_the_Ninja) |
Melwind Syrbille (played by RoamingHeart) |
Tiressa (played by Bryomancer) |
Eleanor Bellefleur (played anonymously) |
Eshtar (played anonymously) |
Manoja (played anonymously) |
Vahn Meirse (played by snoop787) |
Tao-Moa (played by ShipwreckyBeccy) |
Peter Greenbush (played anonymously) |
Sherelle (played by Cass) |
Malex (played anonymously) |
Nina Voss (played by Fizzy_Lizzy) |
Azara (played by Azara) |
Noctilucence (played by Bananasaurus) |
Megaera Charleson (played by CelestinaGrey) |
Noan Intirneht (played by Kahmical) |
Grandmother Val (played by toasterpip) |
Aemar (played by Aubrey) |
Islington (played by Amicitia) |
Matthews Thompson (played by Saberus) |
Ashmantle (played anonymously) |
Eugene Ordell (played by Jayce_Ithil) |
Mesarthim (played by ShipwreckyBeccy) |
Oblex (played anonymously) |
Amari Phagia (played anonymously) |
Aeralis (played by Aubrey) |
Elssbet (played by Gwendolyne) |
Ygraine (played anonymously) |
Brynhildur Heklana (played by CelestinaGrey) |
Seven (played by Cass) |
Guard Captain Tanhide (played by toasterpip) |
Unaffected (played anonymously) |
Lavena (played by Pandatastic) |
Delicate (played anonymously) |
Zala'Quel (played by IceyLady) |
Jemma (played by Xelamor) || December 11 2023, 9:22am
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Saberus || December 18 2023, 8:34am
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Burt the wolverine (played by cri86titanium) || December 6 2023, 4:52am
With a roar of thunder a muscle bike in sleek acid green and black colors came to a halt in front of Jason. The biker was a short and sturdy female, her visage concealed by a modified helmet. But when she dusmounted with a hop and removed the helmet, small dark beady eyes squinted behind cool shades as the honey badger regarded Jason. She had a fringe of choppy platinum hair, buzz-cut on the sides, and too many earrings and studs to count.
"Huh. Heard ye'r some sorta kin of my same specied an' wanted to see for myself what ye look like." Crossing her arms, she wrinkled her muzzle a little, whether about to smirk or snarl it was impossible to same. "Name's Ailith. Yours?""
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Jason Bonham (played by Saberus) || December 6 2023, 10:34pm
He bowed a little to Ailith, "Jason. Hello, Miss Ailith." His muzzle turned up in a smile. His demeanor was very, very unbadgerlike."
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twolfhound || February 3 2023, 9:43pm
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Saberus || February 4 2023, 5:55am
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